Summer Solution Series
The 2-Step Approach to Shifting Autism Behaviors - FOR GOOD!
Feeling confused, hopeless, frustrated, alone trying to help your autistic child feel better and behave differently?
- Lost sleep, being up all night with a waking child.
- Walking on eggshells, hoping the next meltdown doesn't come.
- Constantly managing behaviors, especially out in public, at family's and friend's houses.
- Revolve their lives around special meals, therapies and taking turns being with kids.
- Sacrifice time with other children and their partner to take care of their child with special needs.
- Stop going out or on vacation - it's just too much to manage, easier to stay home.
- KNOW there is something they can do to help their child, which their pediatrician hasn't recommended.
- Suspect autism based on behaviors and development, but are on long wait lists to receive an official diagnosis.
- Don't want to 'label' their child, but want real help for developmental issues.
- Were seeing normal development; and then one day - regression of skills.
- Have tried many therapies and supplements without seeing much shift.
- Search endlessly on the internet for what can truly help, but are just not sure what really will help.
- Walked through the day with a calm presence
- Connected with you throughout the day with eye contact, answering to his name, telling you about her day at school
- Played with friends at school, siblings at home
- Listened to and followed your direction
- Sat at dinner with you for the entire time, without getting up and moving
- Sat with the family and played games for an evening
- Walked quietly by your side in the grocery store
- Sat down to do homework, and actually focused and completed it without nagging?
The Summer Solution Series
is here to help you.
Step 1 Helps your child experience shifts right away.
Step 2 Helps restore body balance so your child continues to experience real, lasting shifts.
STEP 1 Is for bringing immediate help to your child - calm, sleep, pooping, focus, etc.
In this step, you'll get access to the Transforming Autism Workshops: Understanding the Root Causes series of 3 videos covering concrete steps and supplements to take for immediate relief from challenging behaviors. Plus you'll get the guide ONE KEY STEP Most Doctors Miss in Helping Your Child Shift Autism Behaviors.
- Workshop Training #1 - A Better Gut for a Better Brain: Diet, Digestion, Elimination
- Workshop Training #2 - From Meltdowns, Moods and Misery to Calm and Cooperative
- Workshop Training #3 - 5 Myths Busted - The Real Causes of Autism
- Ebook: ONE KEY STEP Most Doctors Miss in Helping Your Child with Autism
The workshop training videos, supplement implementation guidance and ebook guide are valued at over $300.
STEP 2 Is for restoring balance to dysregulated body systems to create lasting, long term shifts in autism behaviors like eye contact, anxiety, speech, social interaction, movement, learning skills, and more.
This happens through the The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program, an 8-week course and a step-by-step guided protocol with supplements that starts to restore gut function and pulls toxins out of the body in a safe way.
- BONUS membership in our Transforming Autism Community for 8 weeks
- 2 Q&A calls per month
- 24/7 Online Forum
- 1 Coaching call to kick off the protocol
- BONUS coaching call at the end of the 8 week program
Most parents see shifts within 2 weeks of implementing the protocol!
The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program and membership bonuses are valued at $2000!
STEP 1 Is for bringing immediate help to your child - calm, sleep, pooping, focus, etc.
In this step, you'll get access to the Transforming Autism Workshops: Understanding the Root Causes series of 3 videos covering concrete steps and supplements to take for immediate relief from challenging behaviors. Plus you'll get the guide ONE KEY STEP Most Doctors Miss in Helping Your Child Shift Autism Behaviors.
- Workshop Training #1 - A Better Gut for a Better Brain: Diet, Digestion, Elimination
- Workshop Training #2 - From Meltdowns, Moods and Misery to Calm and Cooperative
- Workshop Training #3 - 5 Myths Busted - The Real Causes of Autism
- Ebook: ONE KEY STEP Most Doctors Miss in Helping Your Child with Autism
The workshop training videos, supplement implementation guidance and ebook guide are valued at over $300.
STEP 2 Is for restoring balance to dysregulated body systems to create lasting, long term shifts in autism behaviors like eye contact, anxiety, speech, social interaction, movement, learning skills, and more.
This happens through the The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program, an 8-week course and a step-by-step guided protocol with supplements that starts to restore gut function and pulls toxins out of the body in a safe way.
- BONUS membership in our Transforming Autism Community for 8 weeks
- 2 Q&A calls per month
- 24/7 Online Forum
- 1 Coaching call to kick off the protocol
- BONUS coaching call at the end of the 8 week program
Most parents see shifts within 2 weeks of implementing the protocol!
The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program and membership bonuses are valued at $2000!
Valued at more than $2300,
Your investment through the summer is only $497.
Here's what our community of parents is saying...
“He's very happy in the mornings, waking up and exited and happy to go to school everyday. He smiles getting off his school bus and greets me with a hug and kiss; he is always very excited to see me and in a great mood. This is a big gain, as he was always very moody after school. He also recognizes traffic lights - understands red is stop and wait, and green is go - and patiently waits and anticipates it. ”
Karen C.
Patrick, 11-yr old boy, Ireland
“He is social and interested in people, eye contact has been the best, improved in the past few months; the teachers at school see it. He is playing with little brother more, is more tolerant, tells him things. In general he looks more mature in behavior, very normal. ”
Melinda G.
Steven, 6-yr old boy, California
“He continues to get good reports from school. They noticed an improvement in his joint attention and started to see him mimicking behavior. He does seem like he has been making more sounds and has been trying to get our attention when he wants something or to sign for more food which is new. Overall he is calmer with less bad days and less meltdowns/tantrums. He is doing lots of puzzles, solving more problems, and spending a lot more time out with the family rather than in his room all the time. ”
Jane B.
David, 4-yr old boy, Oregon
If you're ready to stop the endless cycle of trial and error and finally start seeing immediate AND real, lasting changes for your child...
This is for you.
What's Included...
In Step 1: Immediate Help
Transforming Autism Workshop Trainings

A Better Gut for a Better Brain: Diet, Digestion, Elimination
Immediate help with pooping, picky eating and tummy troubles. Includes which supplements to use, how much, and when.

From Meltdowns, Mood & Misery to Calm and Cooperative
The root causes of behaviors are explored and how to temporarily balance anxiety, moods, meltdowns with your own hands, and supplements.

5 Myths Busted - The
Real Causes of Autism
What may help your child the most is what you don't know you don't know. Learn why there are so many ways to help your child while autism myths are debunked.

Ebook Guide: ONE KEY STEP Most Doctors Miss in Helping with Autism
Understand the KEY to help unlock shifts in your child. Plus learn which supplements to use to start shift NOW.
The true root causes of autism are that the body is simply too toxic to function and develop properly.
Add to that - the body's poor ability to detoxify.
We can bring temporary relief of the symptoms caused by this load of toxins to the body by providing short term supplementation. That's Step 1.
However, for long-lasting shifts, we absolutely MUST eliminate toxins in a safe way, in the proper order.
The root of poor detoxification typically isn’t genetic. It is usually toxicity preventing the detox machinery from working.
When heavy metals, mold, industrial toxins, pathogens, Candida, parasites are tackled and eliminated, the body heals (like it's designed to) and the behaviors shift!
This is tough to accomplish when the body is stuck in an energy-deficient state, so it can’t eliminate those toxins. There’s just not enough cellular energy to power up all the biochemical reactions within the cell. The result is cells - and the brain and body - ‘just getting by’. The cells do just enough work to survive, without the energy to actually heal and thrive.
And this Total Load of stressors negatively affects the gut, which also contributes to autism behaviors. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
The gut is home to our microbiome, our single-celled friends who help us in so many ways.
And we just keep putting those toxins into the body unknowingly! Just through living, breathing and eating the standard Westernized diet.
The body's Total Load is building if you are still
- Eating non-organic food [10]
- Drinking tap water or even some type of ‘purified’ water [11]
- Eating fast food [12]
- Consuming conventionally raised meat [13]
- Eating processed foods (anything that was put together in a food company that is not a fruit, vegetable, meat - crackers, tortillas, chips, cookies, bread, pizza, chicken nuggets, most brands of french fries) [14]
And if you live near a
- Factory producing chemical air pollution or dumping water waste into a river or on the land [15]
- Freeway [16]
- City with lots of cars and car exhaust [16]
- Farms where crops are sprayed with pesticides or herbicides [17]
- Play on astro-turf or certain playground equipment [18]
- Eat from cans or plastic packaging, especially if you microwave it [19]
- Have any off-gassing home products like particle board walls, furniture or floors [20, 21]
- Have furniture or clothing with fire retardants sprayed on [22, 23]
- Use air fresheners or cleaners with chemical names you can’t pronounce [24]
STEP 2: Restorative Help - the
Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program
This 8-week program uses supplements and a customized protocol that will begin to gently open up and cleanse the most critical drainage organ, the colon. By the end of the program you’re likely to see shifts like less anxiety, better eye contact and attention, greater calm. Because each child is unique, results varies person to person.
The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program includes:

Module 1: Toxicity and Elimination
Learn the contributing factors to autism behaviors, and how you will begin to eliminate them from the body -
through the bowels.

Module 2: Starting Your Child’s Customized Protocol
Together we review your child’s history and current state, customize the protocol, order supplements.

Module 3: How to give your child the supplements
Learn the strategies and tips for a smooth integration of supplements with your child’s body, and what to do it you run into some roadblocks.

Module 4: Learn how to balance supplements
Understand what the supplements do so you can balance and manage the process, reducing potential backslides.

Module 5: Recommended dietary changes for more rapid results
Guidance on what toxic food to remove to help enhance the the detox process. Reducing more toxins from entering the body helps create faster shifts.

Module 6: Celebrate gains! Minimize signs of rapid elimination
Let’s celebrate the shifts your child is experiencing so far. Recording and sharing wins is an important part of this process, as is guidance on how to minimize 'reactions'.

Module 7: Prepare to tackle long-present pathogens in the body
Nearing completion of the Jumpstart Protocol, learn about the next step in opening up drainage and eliminating chronic infections.

Module 8: Moving towards more shifts: A look ahead
You will learn where to go from here to complete what you’ve started. The next steps in repairing the gut and enhancing digestion and unclogging the drainage pipes! This is where the big shifts in behavior come!
To create real, lasting shifts in autism behaviors, you need to address what’s going on inside the body first.
The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program is the only one of its kind to start shifting behaviors by beginning the process of:
- Methodically removing the hidden toxins from the body that prevent optimal detoxification.
- Providing cells with energy so ALL biochemical reactions can improve.
- Restructuring the body and brain to work better.
This program is designed to show you rapid results and encourage your continued engagement beyond the 8-week Jumpstart.
True healing and deep shift takes time; it's just the way the body works. We will:
- Begin to clean out the gut.
- Support organs of detoxification and elimination.
- Support brain cell growth and development.
- Reduce anxiety, lethargy, hyperactivity, meltdowns, sleeplessness.
- Assess your home’s toxicity level and understand how it may be contributing to autism and family members’ health challenges.
- Learn ground-breaking home detox tools.
- Learn about and access our favorite supplements that actually get inside the cells, the only place supplements can work.
- Utilize our proven protocol that is creating shifts every day in children with autism.
- Receive expert guidance and hand holding throughout the process.
Summer Solution Series
Transforming Autism Workshop Series and Supplement Guidance
Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program with
8 weekly modules
Guidance through the protocol that helps begin shifting autism behaviors
- Two 30-min 1:1 calls
- Community Membership
- 10 Strategies to Help Kids Take Supplements
- Snack Trade Out Guide
Summer Solutions Series Payment Plan
Transforming Autism Workshop Series and Supplement Guidance
Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program with
8 weekly modules
Guidance through the protocol that helps begin shifting autism behaviors
- Two 30-min 1:1 calls
- Community Membership
- 10 Strategies to Help Kids Take Supplements
- Snack Trade Out Guide
Do you have questions? Check out our FAQ section. VIEW FAQ
If you’re tired of trial and error (mostly errors) with supplements, protocols and therapies that don’t do much, and are looking forward to seeing lasting behavior shifts and neurological growth, then join now!
In the Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program you’ll get:
- Access to a proven protocol to improve your child’s elimination of destructive toxins
- Expert guidance throughout the protocol
- A one-on-one coaching call to customize the protocol for your child
- Inclusion in the Transforming Autism Program Membership for 2 months
- Two live Q&A coaching calls per month (4 calls total)
- Inclusion in our private Membership Forum to post questions and successes any time, 24/7
- How best to begin giving supplements in the protocol to minimize ‘detox’ reactions
- Which foods are creating toxicity in your child and what to give instead
- Access to practitioner-quality supplements
- 10 Strategies to Help Kids Take Supplements
- Healthy Foods Trade Out Guide
- An end-of program call to assess progress, celebrate, explore next steps
“After doing the massage you recommended he went from pooping once per day to 3-4 times per day, starting with first thing when he wakes up. The dark circles under his eyes are faint now, he's more energetic and happier!”
Lana O, Texas
Justin, 2-yr old boy
“From years of chronic constipation to: Going up to 2x per day to the restroom most days of the week.”
Robert E, California
Ray, 10 - yr old boy
“Her teacher said she is doing really well. The reading teacher says she has been really focused the last 3 weeks in her "Wired for Reading" program for dyslexia - it's clicking for R; she is getting it and is moving forward vs doing a lot of review, like she was before.”
Annie E, Washington
Rosie, 13 - yr old girl
“He is doing puzzles, taking turns with his brother (new) and more aware and able to participate.”
Lana O, Texas
Justin, 2 - yr old boy
Remember - You’ll Be Supported So You Don’t Have to Do This Alone.
Make lasting changes with the support of our community of like minded ‘thought-partners’, parents guiding their children through a similar journey as you. Get questions answered, problems solved, learn our tips and tricks to make the most of your protocol. You’ll be a part of our community that is shifting autism behaviors - together!
Hi, I'm Luminara Serdar.
Scientist, Nutritionist, Autism Transformation Expert
“Carly has been doing great since her last session - we are seeing a lot of progress in her speech and her ability to communicate what she wants. She also responds when we say her name and has a lot more of eye contact with people. She also started to imitate words and actions from us and the therapists and follow simple instructions, like clean up and wait. Social: she's been doing really good too! She’s stared to play with other kids. For example, on Thanksgiving she was playing and having a good time with her cousins. She's also been a little more aware of her little brother in the house and calls him by his name now. On the sensory aspect she’s more open to touch, different textures.”
Diane P, California
Carly, 4-yr old girl
“He's been getting ready faster and very compliant with his bathroom routine, with using the suppositories and all. He still stims by running around the living room while we are at home but at much less frequency than before. He's continuing to have a bowel movement everyday with the help of the Pedia Lax suppositories. On occasions if we are out of town and don't have time at night for him to have a bowel movement, he tends to go on his own the next day. There's been a few days where he's going on his own without any suppositories. He's also able to wipe on his own and he not had any accidents. ”
Halie N, California
Andy, 7-yr old boy
“Lars's mood seems pretty good. He’s less tired and lethargic and has actually been waking up around 6am most mornings. His hair is still coming in, and his skin still seems like it’s doing better. He still has occasional breakouts but it seems easily controlled with his topicals. He has lost a lot of weight and seems healthier overall.”
Brian B, Oregon
Lars, 14-yr old boy with allergies, alopecia, migraines
“He is continually doing new things. Normally in the tub in the morning, I tell him to soap up, he says yes, and then doesn't move. Today he already did it on his own. It's a major step to motor process, be intentional and go through the process without prompting. I am seeing independence and novel communication. ”
Sally F, Washington
Derek, 28-yr old man
The Transforming Autism Jumpstart Program is meant to help alleviate stressors on the body that cause dysfunction and cumulatively create the behaviors we call autism. We have found that this first step of our longer protocol (The Transforming Autism 12-Month Program) takes burdens out of the body and improves behaviors like anxiety, anger, moods, attention and even more. If this sounds like what you want, join us!
We don’t want to overwhelm you with too much information at once. You’ll receive immediate access to the “Getting Started” module upon purchase and get access to new content only after you've completed the previous module. You can make your way through each module's content at your own pace, going quicker or slower as you need. We suggest giving your brain a few days break in between modules to help you digest what you learn, piece by piece.
While we use a US based supplement company, they also ship internationally. They are unable to ship to Spain, Germany, Africa. However, many clients have got around this by using a courier service, which typically knows how to get supplements imported without the customs hassles.
In the UK and Europe, we use a local distributor.
Because this product contains digital components with instant access, it is considered used upon purchase. As such it is non-refundable.
If you change your mind, we would prefer to have a discussion about why, and see if we could still help you. If you need to postpone starting the program because of mitigating circumstances, the program will be here waiting for you when you are ready to resume.
To Start Seeing Behavior Shifts in as Little as 2 Weeks
“Sleep is better and he’s listening better and responding more appropriately. He’s using his communication book at school and therapy much more consistently! He’s eating better and gaining weight! He is wanting more independence when going from one place to another in class (instead of always holding his hand) and is following directions with less prompting. ”
Kelli E, Missouri
Lukas, 8-yr old boy
“L has transitioned well into the classroom. He is always attentive and participates in all of our lessons. I have noticed that he has been making friends and has even initiated social situations with his peers. We have a daily greeting that we do and it is nice seeing L start to feel comfortable with his friends.”
Stephanie D, Pennsylvania
Louis, 7-yr old boy
“Overall he's been awesome. Pretty flexible, less tantrums and rigidity has been better. His nervous system seems better overall - better with little kids and with dogs. When we think he will have a meltdown, he doesn’t. There has been a lot of change and he's been great with it all. He's been really adaptable. He is feeling better in his body. ”
Sandy R, Lousiana
Ricky, 6-yr old boy
“My daughter is commentating on actions on a TV show for first time ever - 'kids playing', 'girl swinging'. She also answered a question I asked (whereas she hadn't done that before). She is also connecting more with her big brother, taking his hand to go do something in the house together, running around, engaging. And she told him for the first time, I love you!”
Terri F, North Carolina
Sarah, 11-yr old girl
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- Immunoexcitotoxicity as the central mechanism of etiopathology and treatment of autism spectrum disorders: A possible role of fluoride and aluminum, Stunecka A, et al, Surg Neurol Int. 2018 Apr 9; 9:74
The Total Load Theory: Why So Many Children Have Developmental Problems, K. Dorfman
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979, Deisher T.A, et al, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute
Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns, Environmental Working Group, July 14, 2005
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Prenatal Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure and Traits Related to Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Population Living in Proximity to Agriculture, Sharon K Sagiv, et al, Environ Health Perspect, 2018 Apr 25;126(4):047012
Information About Crumb-Rubber Infilled Synthetic Turf Athletic Fields, NY Department of Health, October, 2018
Impacts of food contact chemicals on human health: a consensus statement, Jane Muncke, et al, Environmental Health, Published: 03 March 2020
Environmental and Health Hazards of Chromated Copper Arsenate-Treated Wood: A Review, Simone Morais, et al, Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun; 18(11): 5518
Formaldehyde Carcinogenicity Research: 30 Years and Counting for Mode of Action, Epidemiology, and Cancer Risk Assessment, James A. Swenberg , et al, Toxic Patholoty, Volume 41, Issue 2
Beyond Cholinesterase Inhibition: Developmental Neurotoxicity of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers, Heather B. Patisaul, et al, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 129, No. 10
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Changes in Latina Women’s Exposure to Cleaning Chemicals Associated with Switching from Conventional to “Green” Household Cleaning Products: The LUCIR Intervention Study, Kim G. Harley, Environ Health Perspect. 2021 Sep; 129(9): 097001